To schedule a virtual consultation with Dr. Diaz, please follow these simple steps:
1. Call (561) 746-7686 or email to request a telehealth appointment.

2. Look for an email inviting you to download the PocketPatient™ app on your iOS or Android smartphone.

3. Open the app
Enter the following information:
- Practice URL:
- Username: your email address
- Password: same password as patient portal or create a new one if prompted
Please enable microphone, camera and notification settings.

4. At the time of your appointment, look for a text notification inviting you to start your appointment:
Enter your Last name and DOB and click where it says Join Video Visit to start your consultation with Dr. Diaz!

Additional Information: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
Telehealth visits are covered by most insurances and processed like a standard specialist office visit. Therefore, your telehealth visit is subject to copays, deductibles and coinsurance benefits.
You have 10 minutes to connect and log into PocketPatient™ before the invitation to join expires. If you encounter any technical difficulties or are unable to keep your appointment time, please let us know as soon as possible. Please be advised that just like in-person visits, your appointment time with Dr. Diaz is subject to delays or change.
New Patients
You will receive an email from with the information we need completed and returned prior to your telehealth appointment via email or fax (561) 746-3420.
If you do not have access to a printer, you can use the photo “markup” feature to sign and email the documents back as photo attachments.
Established Patients
Please login to your patient portal and make any necessary medical updates since your last visit. Your secure patient portal uses the same login credentials as the PocketPatient™ app. Name, address, and insurance changes cannot be made through the portal so please alert our office to these types of important changes.
Video links for downloading PocketPatient™
- PocketPatient™ for iPhone:
- PocketPatient™ for Android: